Contessa Entellina
Featured Families
The Liuzza/Leutza families on this page are all descendants of Antonino Liuzza born about 1721 in Contessa Entellina and his wife Anna. The records of this family are also recorded for the most part in the Latin Church, exceptions when they married someone from the Greek rite. The first listing of a Liuzza is Anna Liuzza in the “census” from 1652 to 1714. In Contessa there is a Via DiBartolo Street and a Via Liuzza Street. The surname DiBartolo no longer exists in Contessa and there are a few inhabitants with the surname Liuzza; one is the lovely Vita Liuzza. She and her son Ettore live on Via Liuzza across the street from each other. |
Catherine Rose Liuzza Spoto first communion about 1914, San Francisco, California |
Spoto Family, about 1944 |
Spoto Family, Bill, Leita, Kathy and Paul. Bill’s uncle, Joe Liuzza about 1964 in Santa Clara, California. |
Catherine Liuzza Spoto and husband Henry Rudolph Spoto, Sr. about 1928, San Francisco, California. |
Rose Caronna Liuzza, her daughter Catherine Rose Liuzza Spoto and Rose’s sister Caroline Caronna DiBartolo about 1928, San Francisco, California. |
James Liuzza, son of Nick Liuzza 1930. |
Rosa Caronna Liuzza, Peter Liuzza, Caroline Caronna DiBartolo. |
Henry R. Spoto, Caroline Caronna DiBartolo, Catherine Rose Liuzza Spoto, Rose Caronna Liuzza, Joe DiBartolo, son of Caroline. |
Joe DiBartolo and his mother Caroline Caronna DiBartolo about 1940. |
Mary DiBartolo Fregulia and her brother Joseph or Joe DiBartolo. |
Mary DiBartolo Fregulia and her friend Marion Day with Spoto children; Henry Jr. and Mary about 1932, Sutter County, California. |
Rosa Caronna Liuzza, Joe DiBartolo, Caroline Caronna DiBartolo. |
DiBartolo Family. Maxine Coryell Johnston DiBartolo, infant, Arlen DiBartolo, Joe DiBartolo, Kenneth DiBartolo, Carolyn Caronna DiBartolo, in front Glenn Johnston DiBartolo about 1939. |
Mary DiBartolo Fregulia and nephew Glenn Johnston DiBartolo. |
Lena Charco Leutza born Antonina Ciaccio, wife of Nicholas Leutza/ Liuzza. Daughter of John Charco/Ciaccio and Francesca Rizzuto. |
Thanks so much to Arlen DiBartolo and Mike Wymore for many of the photos on this page. Big thanks to Bill Spoto the computer guru who made this web site! You are appreciated. |